
Mesenchymal cell are adult stem cells found in peripheral blood, bone marrow and other tissues. Epithelial cells provide good amount of protection against invading pathogens and protecting it. Tissue resident mesenchymal stem cells are regulators of tissue repairs and regeneration.

Inflammatory lung disease are major cause / infection and inflammation related injury are life long continual issues requiring treatment.

Our research team aims to explore the presence of the therapeutic benefits of MS cells in the Cartilage defects, Liver cirrhosis, MI, Crohn disease, Multiple sclerosis and pulmonary inflammation conditions. We aim to research, provide support in area of regenerative mechanisms, educate and provide awareness in stem cell research. Many research projects require are facility and area to carry evidence base research, MT will provide support to such research proposals.

Our Research Area

Our Research goals are to bring value in stem cell research and provide clinical viable treatment specific to the need of Indian population. Provide partnership with international research units and corelate various research objectives platform for benefits of treatments.


Diabetes related secondary co morbid condition prevention is our key area. if your a scientist working in one of these field or have a research proposal and looking for grant contact us in submit proposal form


Inflammation in muscle, connective tissue, gastric and bone are major aging illness. we aim to work on secondary co morbid condition prevention is our key area. if your a scientist working in one of these field or have a research proposal and looking for grant contact us in submit proposal form


Fractures due to loss of active bone material is a serious problem for aging problem. Prevention of injury in disadvantage population is a major milestone MT is aiming to work with. If you are a research or interested in working on project on stem cell please submit your proposal


Liver diseases related to infection and alcohol is on rise in the developing countries. If you are working on the stem cell for therapeutic effects hepatic system please submit your proposal or to show your joint interest contact us by submitting form

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